пʼятниця, 25 вересня 2015 р.

Kyiv scenes

    Kyiv is old city. City with many faces and scenes. There are no reason to describe them all. Let's see a few of them. Kyiv in clouds
  1. Kyiv in clouds. Autumn is comming.
  2. Belltower of St. Sophia
  3. Belltower of St. Sophia. One of the Kyivs "titles".
  4. St.Michael bell Tower
  5. St.Michael bell Tower. Important place for dignity revolution. It was served as hospital.
  6. Old and New
  7. Old is dust. New do not have any soul.
  8. Kyiv Subway
  9. Kyiv has lots of bridges, and need much more.
  10. Bounded move
  11. River, ship
  12. Sails
  13. and Sails.

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